Hosted Workshops, Seminars and Conferences
At Kay9 Services, we strive to offer dog owners as well as other professionals the best quality seminars and workshops, hosted by an impressive list of speakers.
WAG IT Games with Pauline Jackson
EPIC - Engagement, Play, Impulse control and Concentration
Platform Training (various locations throughout the UK)
SNIFF - A world of Canine Olfactory!
An introduction to Gun Dog Training
Cognitive Skills - Get those cogs turning! (various locations throughout the UK)
Recall - Part One and Two
Loose Lead -
Chasing Part One and Two
Reactivity (Various Levels)
Worldwide Conferences

Call Us On
0775 8288 478 or 01252 645110
and we will assess the training needs of your pet
Or Book Online

Kay presenting at the New Zealand APDT Conference 2018