Platform Workshop
If you haven’t yet discovered the power of platform training –You’re missing out on a powerful training tool!
Animal trainers around the world have been using platforms to train for many years - in circuses, zoos etc. They were mostly used to 'station' an animal during a break in the training program, but in dog training, the platforms are used whilst the dog is on it. Using platforms to train dogs is a fairly new concept and I was introduced to them by Michele Pouliot, an American trainer that I had the privilege to meet at a ClickerExpo exhibition in 2014.
A platform is a raised surface for the dog to stand on. It is a great tool for teaching both foundation behaviours and advanced skills. In platform training each platform serves a different purpose, making platforms an extremely versatile training tool.
With platforms, you can shape a variety of behaviours, plus they present the perfect 'platform' for your dog to offer more behaviours, making your dog think in partnership with you!
Many freestyle competitors use this method of training because it offers such diversity with endless opportunities for training a vast array of behaviours.
An added benefit is that it enables working at distance far quicker than many other pieces of equipment and offers the opportunity to quickly develop behaviours and tricks with precise body movement or placement.
Give your training a jump start or polish on existing behaviours with Platforms!
Platform training adds consistency and precision to your training by guiding the dog onto the platform and therefore, into the correct position.
This workshop is presented at various locations through the UK. Please contact us for more information or if you wish to host this workshop at your dog training school. We supply all platforms required for our workshops.
If you would like to host a Platform Workshop (or any of our other workshops), call us on
0775 8288 478 or 01276 25544
Helping you to live in harmony with your dog!
Or Book Online
Introducing multi platforms